On 12.11.2020, in the city of Pleven was held the third of totally planned six meetings of the representatives of local stakeholders’ group under project “Revitalizing Remote and Mountainous Areas through Sustainable Alternative Tourism” PGI06218, RAMSAT, financed within Programme Interreg Europe 2014-2020.
The aim of the third meeting of local stakeholders’ group was to:
– to inform the stakeholders about the good practices presented during Thematic seminar “Use of the natural heritage ecotourism”;
– to discuss possibilities for adaptation and introduction of the presented good practices at local level
– to gather information to supplement the SWOT analysis of the assets, challenges and potentials related to the implementation of ecotourism strategies in the region;
– to present the next event of the project – thematic seminar “Use of the natural heritage adventure tourism” and to offer good practices in the region to be presented in the thematic seminar;
– to nominate representatives of local stakeholders’ group who will participate in the thematic seminar “Use of natural heritage adventure tourism”.
Mrs. Iliana Georgieva-Velkovska presented the project “Revitalizing Remote and Mountainous Areas through Sustainable Alternative Tourism” RAMSAT – partnership, activities to be implemented, the main goals, objectives and end results to be achieved during the two phases of the project. Particular attention was paid to the project events – local stakeholders’ meetings, interregional workshops and thematic seminars, as well as their importance in connection with the training process during the first phase of the project. It was clarified how the exchange of experience will be translated into real projects, which will be signed and implemented during the second phase of the project.
Mrs. Georgieva-Velkovska shared with the local stakeholders which good practices in eco-tourism were presented by the project team during the thematic seminar, namely: Project NATBIOT, ROBG-356 “Natural heritage – natural/bio resources’ services”, co-financed by European Union through the European Regional Development Fund within Interreg VA Romania-Bulgaria Program and “Children’s Eco Camp in the village of Stakevtsi”.
The good practice NATBIOT was presented as suitable for transfer to regions where there are objects of natural and cultural heritage with low popularity and high potential for revenue. It is particularly suitable for remote and cross-border areas, with restaurants and small-capacity hotels that offer home comfort and green tourism conditions.
The NATBIOT approach takes into account the similarities and additions
between border areas in terms of knowledge/promotion of natural and cultural heritage, natural resources and related facilities accommodation, meals, transport, leisure services.
RAMSAT Project partners are:
- Lead partner – Alto Alentejo Intermunicipal Community- Portugal;
- Association “Euroregion Pleven-Olt” – Bulgaria;
- Zasavje Regional Development Agency – Slovenia;
- Provincial Government of Teruel – Spain;
- Rural Area Partnership in Derry Ltd (RAPID) – Ireland;
- Rasinari Municipality – Romania;
- Regional Development Agency Centre – Romania.